Accompany Your Business
Introduction section
Create a short paragraph that shows your target audience a clear benefit to them if they continue past this point and offer direction about the next steps
Dynamics 365 Financial
Finance and Operations apps are enterprise resource planning (ERP) software as a service (SaaS) offerings that are built on and for Microsoft Azure.
Dynamics 365 Sales
Dynamics 365 Sales enables salespeople to build strong relationships with their customers, take actions based on insights, and close deals faster.
Power App Platform
Power Apps is a suite of apps, services, and connectors, as well as a data platform, that provides a rapid development environment to build custom apps for your business needs.
Microsoft Power Pages
Videos are optional, but are often used to summarize the benefits of a product or service. Describe the video content and give viewers a clear reason to click.
Power BI
Power Apps
- Model Driven App
Share a story
Main pages often include links to stories about how individual people or organizations benefit from interacting with your organization.
Introduce another idea
This section can be used to offer supporting information or introduce a new idea. It’s best to keep it relevant to the contents of the page so it doesn’t feel out of place. Common topics include a summary of your organization’s mission, people, or an upcoming event with links to provide more information.